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Cortina is one of the largest and probably the best organized Europe shoe companies in China.1.30 years of experience in China2.Consistent buying power and quality assurance organization3.Worldwide distribution of shoes and apparel4.ISO 9001 certified , member of SATRA Quality Organization and member of BSCI. The head office is located in Belgium and in Dong Guan in China. Cortina is specialized in delivering shoe & textile designs which more than bestsellers in the mass fashion market. The Cortina group has built a modern shoe knowledge chain in Wang Niu Dun town in Dongguan city with more than 600 employees.Due to our rapid expanding in China, we cordially invite high-caliber individuals with long-term career objectives to join us. Our company provides competitive compensation and benefit package, including (but not limited to):1.11 days Annual leave with pay2.2 weeks Chinese New Year holiday with pay3.Social insurance4.Double-pay at the end of each year(Depend on performance)5.Dormitory (if needed) and 3 meals per day6.Daily shuttle busRoute A: DongTai Garden - WanJiang station- Company;Route B: Houjie station - WanJiang station- Company7.Overall, comprehensive training system8.First-class working environment and comfortable entertainment building9.Bright future for career development10.Legal holiday guaranteed葛天那集团是在中国最大的、组织最健全的欧洲鞋类公司之一。1.30年的中国市场经验2.始终如一的购买力,以及品质部门针对产品品质及货期的有力保证3.葛天那的产品销售到全球4.通过了ISO9001的鉴定,以及成为SATRA质量组织成员和BSCI成员公司总部位于比利时和东莞。葛天那集团是提供专业鞋和服装设计,是时尚的大众市场的引领者。葛天那在东莞市望牛墩镇建立了自己的现代化制鞋知识链基地。现在葛天那在中国超过600 名员工。由于国内的业务不断扩展,现竭诚欢迎各届精英加盟本公司。一经录用,待遇从优。公司员工福利包括(但不限于):1.11天带薪年假2.2周的春节假期3.社会保险4.年终双薪(取决于绩效考核成绩而定)5.包食宿,宿舍条件优越,三餐丰盛6.享受员工接送车(A线:东泰花园-万江总站-公司;B线:厚线车站-万江总站-公7.全方面, 多元化的培训体系8.一流的工作环境 ,舒适的休闲娱乐场所9.广阔的职业发展前景10.保证享有法定假期